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The folk organization unites processing cooperation plan of the water pollution scientific instrument and certificate system

In the past, the common methods of the water pollution control program are incessant pollution audits and heavy fines. The purpose is to deter from lawlessness and to ensure polluters conforming to the regulations on the establishment of waste water treatment facilities. Seemingly, although most polluters nowadays have established waste water treatment facilities, many of them are not in operation. The reason is simple, PDF 檔案以 "pdfFactory Pro" 試用版建立 II “cost saving”. Hence, illicit discharges to the water bodies that cause water pollution are often seen. The Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan (EPA, Taiwan) consequently requires to advance the skills of the investigation personnel to effectively locate illicit discharges, to professionally perform waste water treatment facility functional examination, and to successfully collect material evidence of the proprietors. In addition, polluters vary in scales, types and location. Hence, it is often required huge human resources and administrative costs to correspond to each cause. To successfully tackle these problems and difficulties, the environmental protection bodies would need enhanced methods and advanced scientific equipments to assist in investigation works. For this reason, Environmental Protection Administration Taiwan (EPA, Taiwan) cooperated with BT Environmental Consulting Ltd. to carry out a water pollution control project, “Scientific Equipments and Evidence Collection System to Aid Water Pollution Source Investigation Project of 2007”. The purpose of the project is to anticipate the use of scientific technology to track down polluters more effectively and correctly. During the execution of the project, BT Environmental Consulting Ltd followed the guideline and the standard operating procedure of water pollution source investigation using the scientific technology set by the EPA Taiwan. The investigation tasks that BT Environmental Consulting executed in the project included waste water treatment facility functional analysis and examination, polluters tracking, scientific technology application, 24 hours uninterrupted pollution monitoring, and pollution evidence collection. Once polluters were identified and evidences were collected, BT Environmental Consulting would forward the polluters to the EPA for further prosecution and penalty.
Scient ific instrument equipment, analysis of wastewater facility operation, 24-hour water quality monitoring